i have the following problem:

i have the possibility to create 100 different
pop-boxes and 100 different email-addresses.

the pop-boxes must have the following name:

wpXXXX-jk, wpXXXX-info and so on where
XXXX stands for my custumer number an the text
after the '-' for the part of the email-address
before the '@'.

when I want to catch all email for

[EMAIL PROTECTED] I need the following:

host:         mail.domain.de
username:   wpXXXX-jk
passwort:       **********

When I will create a new pop-box and a new email-adress I use

$link=imap_open($MAILSERVER,$username, $passwort, OP_HALFOPEN);
$test = imap_createmailbox ($link,imap_utf7_encode

But how can I set the passwort for the new created pop-box?

Please help me.

* Jochen Kächelin                            *
* Ihr WEBberater - Werbeagentur Pulvermüller *
* Stuttgarter Str. 3 - D-73033 Göppingen     *
* www.wa-p.de - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]          *

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