> > > > Perhaps not related to php but I was wandering, is it
> > > > possible to hide
> > > > site's real url and replace it with something else (some
> > > > other URL).  ie.
> > > > someone clicks on a link on www.blah.co.uk which takes the
> user to an
> > > > designated area (ie. /house-search/) on www.foo.co.uk.  I want
> > > > the user still to see www.blah.co.uk. This is just for
> > > > aesthetic reasons
> > > > since ones the user finishes the search for houses (on
> > > > www.foo.co.uk/house-search/) he/she will return to www.blah.co.uk.
> > > >
> > > > I have tried www.javascripts.com but no success??
> you can use frame for doing this. for advanced people still can
> see the url but not newbie

It just makes me wonder how 'advanced' you need to be to right click and
select 'view properties'.
(Or a similar simple action when using netrape)

A frame also has some drawbacks, most important one being that a user,
wherever he is on your site, always bookmarks the frame. It's something that
would piss me off :) (Making me work, right click to find the real url I
want to bookmakr, etc.)

DHTML can do something like you want, but its complicated and not standard.
(You can load the contents of URL A in a hidden frame, then replace the
contents of the current document with the contents of the hidden frame.)

Just forget about the whole idea already, each individual page should have
an unique url, and that's the way it's supposed to be.


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