Wade -

I am very new with using PHP so I cannot submit my answer as "what most
use".  However, here is what I use:

I do not like to be dependent on Cookies.  For me, Cookies are a
convenience.  That is, I may store a UserID and if it is in a Cookie,
use the ID to put up a greeting or whatever.

Secondly, I am DB oriented, so I opt for DB solutions.  I create a
SessionID using the time() function.  This is stored in the DB with an
Expire time and it is the only value I pass from page to page (I use
POST for passing values).  On login, I do get the UserID and PW and if
they are OK, I then assign the Session ID.

I realize there are many additions to the above that can make it more
secure, but I am not dealing with sensitive data at this time.


Todd Cary
Ariste Software

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