Hi, welcome to the wonderful world of PHP... <grin>

You can use any text editor you like to write your PHP, my personal
favourite is EditPlus 2 (www.editplus.com), but this is holy war territory
so try a few out and see which one you get on with best.

There are loads of great tutorials all over the www, IMHO you could do a lot
worse than starting off at Webmonkey
(http://hotwired.lycos.com/webmonkey/programming/php/) where there are a
shedload of articles to do with loads of different aspects of PHP.

If you're using NT Workstation and you're currently stuck with PWS (a big
pile of sh*te), you might want to have a look at Apache (www.apache.org)
which is considerably better. For databases, I'd heartily recommend MySQL
(www.mysql.com). This combination - Apache/PHP/MySQL - is used by a huge
number of websites and the support is superb from the open source community.
The best thing about the whole lot is it's easy to persuade management to go
for projects where the overall price tag is £0.00!


-----Original Message-----
From: kaab kaoutar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 24 January 2001 10:29
Subject: [PHP] Beginner in php!

Hi guys!

I'm working on an NT workstation, i used to work with asp, but i heard a lot

about php! that i decided to start working with it !
so i'm using PWS4 and i'm wondering which free php editor is more suitible 
for me ? and also what links to get free more tutorials, i got one of phpnet

but still ....

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