this is a function that I wrote to solve this problem, but it is almost
impossible to get a truly random number you can get somthing pretty close by
seeding with somthing like the time function, using the seconds since epoch
and this should be hard to duplicate.

function random_number($config, $lownum, $highnum){

$time = date(U);
$seed = srand($time);
$rand = rand($lownum, $highnum);

echo  "<FONT FACE=\"$fontstyle\" SIZE=\"$fontsize\"

$lownum  = "1";
$highnum = "100";
random_number("", $lownum, $highnum);


-----Original Message-----
From: April [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 26, 2001 1:50 PM
To: PHP General
Subject: [PHP] rand(), mt_rand(), and my inability to make either of
them random.

I have this scriptlet:

$items = 6;
$randnum = rand(1,$items);
echo $randnum . "<br><br>";

Always, no matter how many times I hit refresh, it'll always return the
lowest possible value, in this case 1.  If I have rand(4,$items), it returns

So I tried mt_rand(), with this:

$items = 6;
$randnum = mt_rand(1,$items);
echo $randnum . "<br><br>";

This always, without fail, returns the highest possible value.  6 in this

I'm using Apache/4.0.3pl1 on Windows 2000, locally, just to develop.  Could
this be a cache type problem?  Could the gods be conspiring to drive me
steadily insane?


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