Shane McBride:

> I am trying to get my php.ini file configured correctly.
> I have a script that calls the require function/command( I'm not sure which
> it is..)
> Here's what the .ini file is:
> include_path=d:\sites;d:\sites\merchantpower\setup
> According to the notation in the .ini file I have the correct syntax, but it
> never seems to look in the second path.

It stops reading at the semicolon ;.
Never in my php.ini file can i indicate two locations.
If you can't leave php.ini in it's default location (C:/windows/), try 
keeping the line empty and putting the directory in your path.

Otherwise this line in the php,ini wold make no sense:
include_path=; UNIX: "/path1:/path2"  Windows: "\path1;\path2"

> Can someone explain this to me better. Remember I'm dealing with Windows to
> do development.
> I would think that the script would start to look in the d:\sites directory
> and then go to any sub directory from there...
> TIA,
> -Shane

--  C.Hayes  Droevendaal 35  6708 PB Wageningen  the Netherlands  --


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