if yours only storeing one or two variables in a db, dont mind writing
either functions to store all this in the db, or having 5-10 lines of code
per page to this then fine. But sessions are so simple...


        $test[] = '123';
        $test[] = '456';
        $test[] = '789'

        $someclass = new product_class();

        $SessionID = time();


three lines of code, I can store text, arrays, class's all in three lines of
code, four if you count session_start(). now one those vars have been
registered you no longer have to execute session_register() everytime you
change something, its all automatic.

I use sessions because they are so simple. I cant say for sure but a good
guess would be that file I/O from sessions would be less overhead then
mysql_db overhead.


Chris Lee

"Noel Akins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Would there be any point in using php sessions if you aren't using
> You have to store login info anyway, why not just use a temp table to
> transaction info and write to the database at the end of a session? From
> what I've read on sessions, you have to use cookies
> thanks
> --
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