>Warning: Failed to Connect in d:\apache\htdocs\mail2.php on line 3
>OOps ~ so I installed my SMTP services then configured my PHP.ini file like

Wow.  Win2K actually *has* SMTP in it? :-^

>mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "My Subject", "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3");

You're going to need \r\n instead of just \n for Windows.  RFC email spec
actually is \r\n, but most SMTP servers let you slide with just \n and do it
right anyway.  Not Windows.

>but this time I met an another error message ~!
>Warning: Server Error in d:\apache\htdocs/test/test.php on line 3

Can you use SMTP somehow without PHP?
Maybe even try to telnet to port 25 on that machine and send the first few
commands of an email exchange...  Not sure what they are off the top of my
head, but you can probably find that somewhere in the PHP code archives.
The point is to be sure SMTP actually works, before trying to make it work
with PHP invovled.

Also, be sure SMTP is configured to *allow* the PHP user to talk to it.  No
idea how to do that, but it's gotta be in there somewhere.

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