Lewis & everyone,

An alternative (non-subscription) plan for the IDE will be announced next 
week.  It'll be designed to make the IDE much more affordable for everyone, 
including those who develop for commercial purposes.

Stay tuned!


At 15:22 27/1/2001, Lewis Bergman wrote:
>Is anyone else dissappointed in the limited pricing options of the Zend IDE?
>I would love to buy the commercial license as about half of my work would
>fall into that.
>My problem is I don't want or need anything except the IDE. Are there other
>people in this same boat?
>I would like the IDE but don't want to pay for a bunch of stuff I don't
>want or need. I would think that there is some middle-goround somewhere.
>More than $50.00 for the personal license but less than the $850.00 for the
>whole big ball of wax.
>I would love to hear what others are thinking on this subject.
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