Frank Joerdens wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 26, 2001 at 11:01:14AM +0000, Nuno Silva wrote:
> [ . . . ]
>> i ran across this transaction problem vs. persistent conn in pgsql some time ago.
>> I found two workaround methods:
>> - don't use persistent conn's :-) or;
>> - start every conn with the usual pg_pconnect and then query a rollback to the 
>> $query="ROLLBACK work;"
>> (this will kill any supposed transaction in ABORT STATE that some child had left).
>> postgres don't support nested transactions (yet), but when it does maybe you should 
>add multiple "ROLLBACK WORK;" queries :-)
> Ah. Very cool. What I _still_ don't quite understand, though, is _how_
> exactly this situation could come about. And what the worst case would
> be. What if you don't kill the transaction in ABORT STATE?
> Ta, Frank

this happens because pg_pconnect don't know about transactions. If some 
transaction reach ABORT and for some reason the script never makes it to 
COMMIT or ABORT queries the postgresql backend will be _always_ in ABORT 

The problem is present in several combinations... for instance: in mysql 
you could make the connection with one user to database X. While logged 
in you could change to database Y.... This database backend will be in 
database Y after that! Even if you persistent_connect with the original 

This is because the backend is never terminated and retains the last 
state, being it a ABORT STATE or another DB... :)

queriing "ROLLBACK WORK;" right after the conect is my best shot at this 

Nuno Silva

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