>  $sql = "INSERT INTO songs (id,name,url) VALUES
> ('','Foobar','test.php?id=<id>)";
> The id is autoincrement so obviously left blank, yet I'd like to put it into
> the url where <id> is.
> How do I go about dragging back the id even though it is being created (I
> suppose) while the statement is being made -- is it possible or do I have to

Try this:
        INSERT INTO songs (id,name,url) 
        VALUE ('','Foobar','')
        UPDATE songs 
        SET (url='test.php?id=$id')     
        WHERE id=$id

This should work but notice that you have to do 2 SQL queries and this
could slow down executing your script if there is some loop. 

                                                Piotr Duszynski

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