> I'm at the end of my rope here...
> I have a 100,000+ line file containing IP addresses.  For 
> each line, I need
> to run a "gethostbyaddr" command.  However, some lines take a 
> long time to
> timeout.  Is there a way I can decrease this timeout period 
> to one or two
> seconds?

i don't know about any function that does that, what i did with something
simmilar is to
automaticly generate a frames page that calls the script which then only
performs 10 or so
of the tasks. you can easyly have that page open 10 or so browserwindows.
if you generate a framesmatrix 10*10 open 10 pages at least the time it
takes will
be devided by 1000 ( in avg.....)
( and of cause you will need something threadsafe/stable to safe the


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