FYI folks...

Microsoft is planning on a new naming convention for it's latest products.
They will be naming their Office 10 Suite as Office XP, and Whisler will
officially be named Windows XP. They say the "XP" might stand for XML
Protocol, which "also happens to be the Worldwide Web Consortium's name for
the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) for messaging that Microsoft and a
handful of partners are championing." The formal public announcement is
expected next week, from Microsoft. I hope Linux and BSD can break the
market barrier that Microsoft has a hold of. I'm not a big fan of MS
products, but it's good to keep up with your enemy's moves before it makes
them. For those who are MS puppets, please don't be offended by my personal
tastes...    :)

Article: Microsoft to rebrand Office, Windows with 'XP'?
Source: ZDNet News
Author: Mary Jo Foley

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