I get a strange error when I am trying to send a mail with an attachment. I used the class below, but I get two error messages. 1. Unknown has generated errors and will be closed by windows... 2. CGI ERROR The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. The headers it did return are: ERROR: could not get the task list How do I fix this? I use php 4.0.3pl 1 (CGI), Win2k. <? /* * Class mime_mail * Original implementation by Sascha Schumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Modified by Tobias Ratschiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: * - General code clean-up * - separate body- and from-property * - killed some mostly un-necessary stuff */ class mime_mail { var $parts; var $to; var $from; var $headers; var $subject; var $body; /* * void mime_mail() * class constructor */ function mime_mail() { $this->parts = array(); $this->to = ""; $this->from = ""; $this->subject = ""; $this->body = ""; $this->headers = ""; } /* * void add_attachment(string message, [string name], [string cty pe]) * Add an attachment to the mail object */ function add_attachment($message, $name = "", $ctype = "application/octet-stream") { $this->parts[] = array ( "ctype" => $ctype, "message" => $message, "encode" => $encode, "name" => $name ); } /* * void build_message(array part= * Build message parts of an multipart mail */ function build_message($part) { $message = $part[ "message"]; $message = chunk_split(base64_encode($message)); $encoding = "base64"; return "Content-Type: ".$part[ "ctype"]. ($part[ "name"]? "; name = \"".$part[ "name"]. "\"" : ""). "\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: $encoding\n\n$message\n"; } /* * void build_multipart() * Build a multipart mail */ function build_multipart() { $boundary = "b".md5(uniqid(time())); $multipart = "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary = $boundary\n\nThis is a MIME encoded message.\n\n--$boundary"; for($i = sizeof($this->parts)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $multipart .= "\n".$this->build_message($this->parts[$i]). "--$boundary"; } return $multipart.= "--\n"; } /* * void send() * Send the mail (last class-function to be called) */ function send() { $mime = ""; if (!empty($this->from)) $mime .= "From: ".$this->from. "\n"; if (!empty($this->headers)) $mime .= $this->headers. "\n"; if (!empty($this->body)) $this->add_attachment($this->body, "", "text/plain"); $mime .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n".$this->build_multipart(); mail($this->to, $this->subject, "", $mime); } }; // end of class /* * Example usage * */ $attachment = fread(fopen("images/jean.jpg", "r"), filesize("images/jean.jpg")); $mail = new mime_mail(); $mail->from = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"; $mail->headers = "Errors-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]"; $mail->to = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"; $mail->subject = "Testing..."; $mail->body = "This is just a test."; $mail->add_attachment("$attachment", "images/jean.jpg", "image/jpeg"); $mail->send(); ?> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]