>         suppose i have a multidimensional array ex:
>         row[monthnr][daynr][hour][numberofusers]
>         row[monthnr][daynr][hour][numberofmails]
>         row[monthnr][daynr][hour][numberofdownloads]
>         the values in the array are a sql result query, soh not all of
them are
> filled like it is possible that row[12][1][23] is undefined.
>         i need to tag the value that is maximum and minimum foreach number
> users, numberof mails and numberofdownloads in the same month for example,

You might want to try to get this info directly from an SQL query.  It'll
probably be much faster than a PHP solution involving looping through each
available month and finding the max and min for 3 different keys.  If you
decide to do this you'll probably want to nest "while ( list( $key, $val ) =
each( $row[$i][number..] )" type statements, but given that the key "hour"
isn't really needed you may have to transform your array and I really don't
think this solution is as elegant as using a database query.

SELECT month,
               MAX(numberofusers) AS numberofusers_max,
               MIN(numberofusers) AS numberofusers_min,
               MIN(numberofdownloads) AS numberofdownloads_min
FROM my_table
GROUP BY month
WHERE where_clause;

Steve Werby
24-7 Computer Services, LLC
Tel: 804.817.2470

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