> I tried with FALSE same error.
> I also tried the following word example
> <?
> $word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instanciate Word");
> print "Loaded Word, version {$word->Version}\n";
> $word->Visible = 0;
> $word->Documents->Add();
> $word->Selection->TypeText("Testing, testing... 1,2,3");
> $word->Documents[1]->SaveAs("Some.doc");
> $word->Quit();
> ?>
> I get the following error
> Loaded Word, version 9.0
> Warning: Invoke() failed: No description available in
> c:\Inetpub\wwwroot/temp2.php on line 5
> Warning: Invoke() failed: Exception occurred. in
> c:\Inetpub\wwwroot/temp2.php on line 7

That means that you don't have the com component installed on your machine

> > I have been trying the following example from the PHP developer's
> > and it keeps giving me the following error.
> > Parse error: parse error in c:\Inetpub\wwwroot/temp.php on line 5
> > <? file://line 1
> > $excel_handle = new COM("excel.application"); file://line2
> $excel_handle->>Visible = false; file://line3
> > $worksheet = $excel_handle->workbooks->add(); file://line4
> $worksheet->>Cells(1,1)->value = "Name"; file://line5

This should be:

$cell = $worksheet->Cells(1, 1);
$cell->value = 1;

And it should work..

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