> I can pull data out of a database using mysql_fetch_array and assemble
it like this using a while statement:
> <TR><TD>$data</TD></TR>
> <TR><TD>$data</TD></TR>
> <TR><TD>$data</TD></TR>
> etc ...
> What I'd like to do is assemble it like this:
> <TR><TD>$data</TD><TD>$data</TD><TD>$data</TD></TR>
> etc...
> In other words, I need a break (</TR><TR>) every three times through the
> loop.
> I've tried several snippets of code from this list's archive  but none seem 
> to work. I've tried while statements, for statements and the list function
> in every combination I can think of ... no go. I know that modulus is
what I need but I can't crack the right code combination.
> Does anyone have a solution or can they point me to a resource somewhere?
> Thanks 
> Mick

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