--- Josh G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any of you guys care to enlighten this fellow any
> further than me?

Thank you for your reply. It helps a lot. Thanks to
everyone who took this effort to reply to me. I just
try to learn and taklking to experienced people seems
a good wayto learn.

> Please reply to the list, not me :)


> > Hello everybody,
> > 
> > I would like to ask you for some help with PHP. I
> am a
> > newbie both to the list and to PHP. I try to learn
> > from the books and manuals, but there are some
> things
> > I do mnot understand and I can't read it anywhere
> > inthe books.
> > 
> > Please take a moment and reply to my mail. I know
> that
> > such problems as I have may seem lame to most of
> you,
> > descent programmers, but I am really desperate to
> > learn. Unfortunately I am not a programmer
> > byprofesion.
> > 
> > Let me list the problems I have.
> > 
> > 1. I registered my domain and I input the right
> DNs
> > numbers. After I uploaded html file index.html
> onto
> > the server, using ftp program, everything was
> fine.
> > However, I also uploaded file called test.html.
> After
> > I typed in my domain url address with /test.html
> the
> > file was not working. What do I do wrong?
> Sounds like an installation problem, I can't really
> help
> there. I follow the instructions, and if they fail
> I'm usually
> stuffed ;-)

No idea what may be wrong... I will try a couple of
times more, maybe there is a solution and reason why
server returns with an error message.

> > 
> > 2. Now on with PHP... I tried to write php scripts
> > inside html files... Simple scripts with <?php
> .... ?>
> > Can I do that? Will it work? I think php program
> is
> > installed on the server I am using, but the php
> seems
> > not to work. What do I do wrong?
> Should work, don't know the problem. Try having a
> script called test.php that consists only of
> <?php phpinfo(); ?>

What will phpinfo() return with? Will it be
information if the server can support php?

> then point your browser at
> http://yourdomain.com/test.php
> and see what happens.

I will try that. Thanks, it seems a good test.

> > 3. Now suppose I write a seperate php script as a
> > seperate file, like test.php. How do I refer to it
> > from html file in order to make the php script
> work?
> > And can I start my web page directly with php? If
> > sohow?
> Not sure I understand the question. You just need
> links
> to the pages as if they were ordinary html.

Suppose I have index.html and I have test.php... If I
type in my browser http://mydomain.com/ I get the
result of index.html. How can I make a php file work?
Can I make a link or something? Or if I just want php
script to work within a htmp file? How can I do that?

 Or you
> can
> access one script from another by using include(); 

Aha... So if I have index.html, I can execute the
contents of test.php by writing: include(test.php)
within html file code? Is that correct?

> I think you need to read through the first few
> sections of
> the php manual, at http://www.php.net/ as it covers
> a lot
> of these issues.

I will 'dig' deeper, thanks for the suggestion. You
mean php tutorial they have at www.php.net? Right?

> > 4. What program or editor do you people use in
> order
> > to simply "write" or "code" html and php? Till now
> I
> > was using Netscape Composer for simple html
> editing.
> > But I am sure there are some programming tools...
> I've
> > heard there is something like JBuilder, but some
> > friends of mine tell me it is too powerful tool.
> Do
> > you agree? What programming tools would you
> recommend
> > for me to code php? What programs do you use?
> Oh no! This here is a religious issue, get's asked
> every few
> days, and there's no answer. Use whatever you like.

So far I use nothing for php. I would like to write
somethign in php... I would like to see the result of
even very simple script, like "Hello, this is me."

> Some
> peope love vi and emacs (unix), some love homesite,
> textpad,
> or (myself included) ultraedit on windows.

Do you think I could use Notepad? Just to start with?
And if so, how do I save for .php extension?

> > 5. I would like to have a link on my web page that
> > when I move my mouse cursor on it, it changes and
> > becomes, for example, underlines or bold or
> changes
> > color. How can I do that? How do I do that in php?
> This is more a html problem thant a php problem, but
> you
> need to use stylesheets... here's an example, paste
> it into
> a html page and play around with it...

Geee, thanks for this sample... I will test it for

> <html>
> <head>
> <style type="text/css">
> <!--
>     a {color:blue; text-decoration:none; }
>     a:hover {color:#ff8080;
> text-decoration:underline; }
> --></style>
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <a href="foo.html">this will change colour in
> explorer</a>.
> </body>
> </html>

Thank you. Now I need to test it a little... and see
the results. Thanks for providing this sample.

> > 6. How can I refer to data base records? If I want
> to
> > store date or get data and print it out... Is it
> only
> > using cgi and FORM tags? Are there any other ways
> todo
> > that?
> This one's a biggie... 

I know... :-(

Methinks you should master
> some of
> the simplre things first, then ask this one by
> itself ;-)

Good suggestion... Some of my questions may seem
'odd', but I simply want to learn and ask... Thank you
for your patience...

> Another tip... The more specific the question, the
> better,
> longer answers you'll recieve.

Sure... I will try to be more specific.

> > I would very much appreciate, if people like you,
> good
> > programmers could help me and just reply to my
> points.
> > Please elaborate, the more you write, teh better I
> can
> > understand. It would mean a lot to me if someone
> could
> > comment or 'enlighten' me. There are things I
> can't
> > find in books and tutorials.
> > 
> > Thank you and I await your replies.
> > 
> > Jericho
> > 
> -- 
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