On Wed,  7 Feb 2001 13:42, Shane McBride wrote:

> > How can I ensure that a file is transferred in ascii mode using the
> following: <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"
> action="do_upload.php">
> <p><strong>File to Upload:</strong><br>
> <input type="file" name="img1" size="30"></p>
> emplresults.txt<input type="radio" name="file_type"
> value="emplresults">&nbsp; applresults.txt<input type="radio"
> name="file_type" value="applresults"> <P><input type="submit"
> name="submit" value="Upload File"></p>
> </form>
> I think it may be how you specify the enctype?
> - Shane

A quick search turned up this URL:


which seems like a good start point - I'm going to peruse it myself and see 
what I come up with....

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