On Thu, 8 Feb 2001, Larry Rosenman wrote:

> * The Hermit Hacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010208 21:12]:
> >
> > Simple ... everything compiles cleanly, but as soon as I try and run it, I
> > get:
> >
> > pegasus# /usr/local/apache/bin/httpsd
> > httpsd: module "mod_php4.c" is not compatible with this version of Apache.
> > Please contact the vendor for the correct version.
> >
> > The only thing I can find on the list archives deals with a -DEPI switch,
> Are you using Ports?

Nope, compiling straight from source ...

my configure is:

setenv CFLAGS "-I/usr/local/include/gd"
./configure \
        --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
        --disable-debug \
        --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local \
        --with-tiff-dir=/usr/local \
        --enable-ftp \
        --without-mysql \
        --with-gd     \
        --with-pgsql \
        --with-gdbm \
        --enable-track-vars \
        --enable-sysvsem \
        --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \

Does anything look wrong with that?

I build apache 1.3.17 as follows, just in case I screwed something up
there ...

./configure \
        --prefix=/usr/local/apache \
        --with-layout=Apache \
        --enable-module=auth_dbm \
        --enable-module=log_agent \
        --enable-module=log_referer \
        --enable-module=expires \
        --enable-module=headers \
        --enable-module=rewrite \
        --enable-suexec \
        --suexec-caller=nobody  \
        --add-module=mod_frontpage.c \
        --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE --enable-module=so

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