On Tue, 13 Feb 2001 13:48, Tony Bibbs wrote:
> I have a need to use php similar to how I would bash when creating
> shell scripts.  I have two RH6.2 machines that have the same version of
> php (slightly different compile-options).  One machine in particular
> lacks the php binary in /usr/local/bin and that's what I need to use
> php in a shell script.
> I did ./configure --help to see if there was an option that I was
> missing and nothing jumped out at me as being the obvious fix.  How do
> I compile PHP to get this binary?

Leave out the Apache options, anything related to modules, etc. Here's 
what I use to build it as a CGI to run with a non-Apache server (I think 
this might be PHP3 but you'll get the idea)

./configure --with-gd=/usr/local --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql 
--with-dbase=yes --enable-sysvshm=yes --enable-sysvsem=yes 
--with-config-file-path --enable-debug=no --enable-track-vars=yes 
--enable-bcmath=yes --bindir=/web/webdocs/cgi-bin

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