I really need help with this.

 I have written a regular expression that searches for any occurance of
 src="*" in a html page and rewrites it so that it is equal to
 src="http://www.whereever.com/images/filename.jpg" -

 If there are five occurances of this match then it replaces them all. Is
 there anyway to make it only run once. Then if I want to loop and do it
 again. I want to do this so I can put the contents of the original * in
 src="*" into and array and access them later for uploading the files.

I think that maybe preg_match() or preg_match_all() is the answer but I have
know idea on how to make the regular expression I am using perl comptaible.

Here it is:
$txt = ereg_replace("src=\"([^>]+)\.(gif|jpg)\"",
"src=\"http://www.ezigraphics.com/images/about_0001." . //2. "\"", $txt);

Any ideas is a huge help - thankyou


 Scott Mebberson

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