John Vanderbeck wrote:
> I'm having a problemin Netscape, any of my echo statements that use
> $PHPSELF, netscape isn't resolving $PHPSELF, but properly resolving all the
> other vars.  There are several different types of echo statements, but here
> is a sample:
>     echo '<BR><A HREF="', $PHPSELF, '?mode=sub_category&category=',
> $category, '&sub_category=', urlencode($subcategories[$index]), '">',
> $subcategories[$index], '</A>';
> and:
>    echo "<P CLASS=Normal><A
> HREF=$PHPSELF?mode=index&category=root>Main</A> -> $category</P>";
> Any ideas? This works FINE in Internet Explorer. And all the other vars in
> those echo statements are properly resoved into value.


Pavel a.k.a. Papi

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