On Fri, Feb 16, 2001 at 12:04:01AM +0000, Steven Hirschorn wrote:

> I've checked this in the PHP documentation and done a scan of the 
> archive to try to work out where I am going wrong but have failed. I 
> know I could fix this problem by using substrings and processing them, 
> but PHP has a simpler function which should work. Shouldn't it?
> In my database a record has a timestamp of:
> 20010213173654
> I extract the timestamp with a select statement, and process it with:
> strftime("%A, %e %B %Y", $lastmodified)  (where lastmodified is the
> variable containing the timestamp)
> and it produces the output:
> Monday, 18 January 2038
> Does anyone know why PHP isn't interpreting the timestamp correctly? I 
> can't work out how it could misinterpret the timestamp like this...

You haven't read the PHP Manual carefully:




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