On Mon, 19 Feb 2001 15:43, toto wrote:
> the solution is javascript-based rather than php-based.
> Just put this code....and when you submit, the value you'll process
> stored in variable hidden_list_selected. each value selected are
> separated by comma delimiter.
> <html>
>       <head>
>               <script language="javascript">
>                       function insert(thisObject){
>                               thisForm = eval("document.frmInput");
>                               thisForm.hidden_list_selected.value = "";
>                               // flag to put comma as separate variable for each 
> category flag_first = true;
>                                       if(thisObject.options[counter].selected){
>                                               if(flag_first)
>                                                       flag_first = false;
>                                               else
>thisForm.hidden_list_selected.value+= ",";
>                                       }
>                               }
>                       }
>               </script>
>       </head>
>       <body>
>               <form name="frmInput" method="post" action="testAction.php">
>                       <select name="sel_category" multiple size="4"
> onChange="javascript:insert(this);">
>                       <option value="Fruit">Fruit</option>
>                       <option value="vegetables">Vegetables</option>
>                       <option value="fish">Fish</option>
>                       </select>
>                       <input type="text" name="hidden_list_selected" value="">
>                       <input type="submit">
>               </form>
>       </body>
> </html>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: BeeBoo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 11:42 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Multiple Selection.
> If i'm going to let users select multiple choices from a list in a
> form, let say the part in the form is like this:
> <select name="category" multiple size="4">
>         <option value="Praise">Fruit</option>
>         <option value="Worship">Vegetables</option>
>         <option value="Fellowship">Fish</option>
> </select>
> what code should i put in the submit part of the php to collect the
> multiple inputs? I tried array, but it seems not working. Please help.
> Thanks.

I think you need to name the list as an array thus:
<select name="category[]" multiple size="4">

Then your receiving script can parse category as an array of the chosen 

David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
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