On Tue, 20 Feb 2001 08:56, Matthew Toledo wrote:
> SUBJECT: Getting values for posted form in HASH array rather than just
> variables.
> I've been using perl for a while and am just starting with PHP.  I like
> it.
> Is there an array that holds all the information that was submitted via
> a FORM post or get.
> I know that PHP automatically creates variables that are named after
> the name of the INPUT tag on the HTML form.  But what if I don't know
> what the names of the input tags are?
> Are they stored in a HASH array as well?
> What is the name of the array?
> I.E. in perl, if you use cgi-lib.pl, all the form elements are stored
> in a HASH array called %in.  You don't need to know the names of the
> input tags to get the data from them.
> <input name="joe" type="text>
> <input name="alice type="text>
> PERL Example.
> # library for handling CGI in
> require 'cgi-lib.pl';
> # get all the info from the form,
> # put it in HASH array called %in
> &ReadParse();
> foreach $key (sort keys %in) {
>     print $in{$key};
> }
> # is there a hash array equivalent of %in like in the perl above?

Check out the section of the manual on PHP Variables (in the Variables 
chapter 7)

HTTP_POST_VARS and HTTP_GET_VARS will be the ones you are looking for - 
oh and possibly HTTP_COOKIE_VARS.

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