On Wed, 21 Feb 2001 16:01, Jeff Lacy wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Could someone please explain the whole % thing?  I sort of understand
> it, but not quite.  My goal is to have a table, and have every row
> alternate between 4 colors.  I can alternate sort of alternate between
> 3, but not quite.  I have tried lots of different combinations, but I
> can't figure it out.  Thank you very much!
> Maybe there should be a better link to it in the manual.  The only one
> I could find was at http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.math.php, but it
> is far from clear (to me at least....).
> Jeff Lacy
> P.S.  Please email me directly, and respond to the list because I am
> not really subscribed to it.  When I look at the newsgroup, it crashes
> Outlook Express, and the list is VERY high volume (for me).  Thanks
> again.

Perhaps you should be looking in Arithmetical Operators 

The modulus operator gives you the value of the remainder after dividing 
a by b, so 4 % 3 will give a result of 1; ie 3 goes into 4 once and 
leaves a remainder of 1

Or 10 % 3 also gives a result of 1; 20 % 6 gives 2 etc.

Now for your particular problem of alternating table colors, you don't 
necessarily need the modulus operator, but using it you could implement 

$color = array('#ffffff'=>0, 'blue'=>1, 'red' =>2, 'green' =>3);
$row_num = 0;
$how_many_colors = 4;
while {
//Build your row producing logic here
echo "<TR BGCOLOR=\"$color[$row_num % $how_many_colors]\">";
// Rest of row info


Mind you, there might be the odd syntax error there; I didn't test this 
at all :-) but hopefully you get the idea. The value of $row_num % 
$how_many_colors will cycle through 0 - 3 and act as the subscript for 
the array of colours. If you want more colours, just increase the number 
of values in the array and adjust $how_many_colors accordingly.

David Robley                        | WEBMASTER & Mail List Admin
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            Flinders University, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA

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