Addressed to: Michael Zornek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              Michael Zornek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              "'Php-General (E-Mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

** Reply to note from Michael Zornek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wed, 21 Feb 2001 
12:15:32 -0500
> At 5:54 PM +0100 2/21/01, Sebastian Stadtlich wrote:
> When we post a new issue online we include a url right to the PDF.
> Not to say we can't change that link to be somthing like:
> However all the old emails that are out there would still point right
> to the PDF. So I guess we could make apache FWD and PDF GET requests
> to the following script. Hmmm. Well I'll think about it.

Hang on, this is going to be a wild ride...

Lets say that you currently keep your pdf's in TSR/issue/fullissue.pdf,
and that TSR is constant, issue changes each issue and fullissue.pdf may
or may not be the only file in the issue directory.  You hit the issue
mentioned above at

OK, here is what you do.

Add the following to .htaccess or httpd.conf, in the virtual host block
for  If it is not a virtual host, it can be added
anywhere near the bottom of the config file.

<Location /TSR>
ForceType application/x-httpd-php

If you are using php3, it is application/x-httpd-php3

This makes apache execute the file TSR as if it was TSR.php, without
having to have the .php extension.

Now move your entire TSR directory outside of document root.

Create a PHP program that checks to see if they are logged in and name
it TSR.  Place it in DocumentRoot or where ever you just removed the
real TSR directory from.

If they are logged in when the program is hit, then look in $PATH_INFO,
which in this example will return  '/0104/fullissue.php'.  (Check me on
the leading /, it might not be there.)  Now you use $PATH_INFO and the
path to where you moved the TSR directory to create the name of the file
to send to them.  Send your headers, then use readfile() to send the

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

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