What do you mean flatlines?  Does the solaris machine's CPU move to ~100%

You might be hitting the automatic garbage collection.  Use gstat -h to
watch your transactions states.  Particularly the oldest transaction and the
oldest interesting transaction.  By default an auto garbage collection kicks
off when the difference between these two numbers is 20000.

If this is happening it might indicate that you aren't using your
transactions as effective as possible.  For example leaving them open for
extended periods of time.

hope this helps,
Brett Bandy

""Niel Zeeman"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Hi there

I have a big problem and would greatly appreciate help..

I have a production site runnig the php4.0.4 isapi on IIS5 with a ibase
backend db running on solaris

Now I have the problem that when ever a couple of people( 2-6) login from
the web the database flatlines...
This is with about 10-30 local users logged into the db aswell.

the site is basically a data capturing site

please any help is welcome


Niel Zeeman
Tel(W): (043)7014247
Cell: 082 651 4083

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