when your uploading a file

<input type=file name=db_file>

php will create three variables,


$db_file_type should have the mime/type. now should does NOT mean will. some
browsers (I dont have a list) will not send the correct type at all.

you can use linux's file command

[lee@server streaming]$ file usermanual.pdf
usermanual.pdf: PDF document, version 1.3
[lee@server streaming]$

this will not give you the mime-type though. you can also use grep this will
only give you what the server thinks is the mime-type, not what the client
feels the mime-type is

[lee@server streaming]$ grep "pdf" /etc/mime.types
application/pdf                 pdf
[lee@server streaming]$

If your just curious of what a mime/type is without uploading it (I dont
think you are) then youve answered your own question.

"Files are on local disk. Not accessible from web server. "

if php can not access the files then how could it possibly ever find this
files mime-type ?


Chris Lee


ph. 250.377.1095
ph. 250.376.2690
fx. 250.554.1120

"Andris Jancevskis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
>   is there suggestions how to determine what mime type is file?
>   for example:
>   .word -> application/wnd-word
>   .pdf -> application/pdf
>   Files are on local disk. Not accessible from web server.
>   I'm interesting to determine it on linux (Apache) and win32(IIS 4.0)
>   platforms.
> TIA,
> --
> Andris
> --
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