I am working on a site that has over 1000 pages and all the images need to 
be made lower case in the HTML.
Here is what I have so far. Please someone tell me what I am doing wrong.

$contents="<img src=ThisOneReallyNeedsToBeAllLowercase.gif 

$contents = EREG_REPLACE("([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+).gif",strtolower("\\0"),$contents);

Output of $contents needs to equal
<img src=thisonereallyneedstobealllowercase.gif 

I have the top part of my script reading the whole DIR and only editing the 
HTML files so that part is taken care of
All I need it help with making the images tag all lower case.

Ian LeBlanc
Web Development
Rask, Inc. - www.rask.com
Phone: (727) 517-2000
Fax:   (727) 517-2001

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