On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 05:21, Claudia wrote:
> When selecting a value from a dynamically generated list box, the
> subsequent value passed to the table truncates when
> there is a blank in the string
> Here is the table structures (Mysql database)
> First table has variable course_name (varchar -- length 50)
> This database will be used to generate the dynamic list box for the
> course_name field.
> Second table has variable issue_course_name (varchar -- length50) and
> is the variable that stores the result of the selected
> course name in the dynamic list box.
> Here is the code that is currently truncating all characters after the
> space:
> td height="41" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">  ';
>      $result = mysql_query("select course_name from coursebuild
>       where course_status = \"in_test\"
>       order by course_name asc");
>      echo "<select name='issue_course_name' size=1>";
>      echo "<option value=''> ----Select Course---- \n";
>      if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
>       {
>      do
>      {
>      echo "<option
> value=$myrow[course_name]>$myrow[course_name]</option>\n";
>      }
>      while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));
>      echo "</select>";
> Insert statement
> $query = "insert into testissues ( issue_course_name)
> values ( '$issue_course_name') ";
>   $mysql_result = mysql_query($query, $mysql_link);

IIRC the relevant standards require that values in tags be enclosed in 
quotes if they [are likely to] contain spaces. So at minimum your OPTION 
tags should look like:
echo "<option

Having said that, you could handle this better if you have an 
autoincrement field like course_id that uniquely defines each course_name 
record - then you could use the course_id as the VALUE in the option tag; 
you may have to do a lookup at the INSERT stage to get the value of 

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