Addressed to: "George  Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from "George  Alexander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 24 Feb 2001 
05:40:59 -0000
> Hi,
> I working on Redhat Linux 6.1 and I've installed
> MySQL-3.23.33-1.i386.rpm and MySQL-client-3.23.33-1.i386.rpm.
> MySql is working fine. I've even created a database also using
> MySqlAdmin.
> Regarding Php I've installed php-3.0.18-1.6.x.i386.rpm and as for
> Apache : apache-1.3.14-2.6.2.i386.rpm.
> I've even installed php-mysql-3.0.16-1.i386.rpm and
> mod-php3-3.0.12-2.i386.rpm.
> My problem is I can't connect PHP to Mysql Db using the
> mysyql_connect("localhost","root","mypassword") command.

mypassword is the same password you used for mysqladmin, and the command
line interpreter for the root user, right?

Try this command and see what it returns.  If the error message doesn't
give you a good idea what is wrong, please post again, including the
error message you receive.

mysql_connect( "localhost", "root", "mypassword" ) or
   die( "Unable to connect<BR>" . mysql_error());

I suggest you always use this code, along with:

mysql_select_db( "database" ) or
   die( "Unable to select<BR>" . mysql_error());

 in every program you write.  It is almost impossible to troubleshoot
problems if you don't know what went wrong.

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

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