This is a small test I wrote a couple of days ago that does just that. 
Hope it works for you. 


$ldapserver = "";
$basedn = "dc=habeebee, dc=com";

$dir =ldap_connect($ldapserver);        // Connect to server

if ($dir) {
  ldap_bind($dir);                      // Bind to the server
  $result = ldap_search($dir, $basedn, "sn=*");  // query connection, set 
the base and look for any ”sn”

  $info = ldap_get_entries($dir, $result);  // The results get sent to 
the $info object

  for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) { // Count is a ldap feature that 
contains the length of the resultset
    echo $info[$i]["cn"][0];    // choose any parameter you want see here


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprungligt meddelande <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Mike Tuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev 2001-02-28, kl. 01:31:09 
angående ämnet [PHP] LDAP Listing:

> I want to create a list of everyone on the LDAP server, and none of the
> examples I have in my books seems to work. What functions should I use to
> connect to the server, and list users in the LDAP to create a phone book
> type list to print out? Could someone also give me some sort of example 
> I can look at?

> Mike Tuller

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