At 00:58 01.03.2001, Nazoréen said:
>well i have a problem, i try make an authentication per range IP Address
>like :
>from to but it doesn't work, except if i make
>an authentication for only one IP Address. I tried to make with "LOOP" and
>"WHILE" tag, but i got the problem everytime !
>This is the last example script i made with two domains which accept only
>the range IP Address for each :
>$host = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
>$ip = range(0,255);
>if ($host != "194.195.196.($ip))
>if ($host != "195.196.197.($ip))

Salut Anthony,

you may check if an address is within a certain network/subnet, you need to
compare each octet.

For example:
Address  Network  Mask
192 & 255 = 192         192 & 255 = 192         OK
168 & 255 = 168         168 & 255 = 168         OK
11  & 255 = 11          12  & 255 = 12          NOT WITHIN SUBNET

I've put this together in this littel test form:


function contains_ip($network, $snmask, $address)
        if (!is_array($network)) $network = explode(".", $network);
        if (!is_array($snmask))  $snmask  = explode(".", $snmask);
        if (!is_array($address)) $address = explode(".", $address);

        for ($i=0; $i<4; ++$i) {
                $a = $address[$i]*1;
                $m = $snmask[$i]*1;
                $n = $network[$i]*1;
                $m1 = $a & $m;
                $m2 = $n & $m;
                if (($a & $m)  != ($n & $m))
                        return false;
        return true;

if ($network && $subnet && $address)
        $result = contains_ip($network, $subnet, $address);


<?php if (isset($result)):?>
<h4><?=$address?> is<?php if(!$result):?> <i>not</i><?php endif;?>
contained in <?=$network?>, mask <?=$subnet?></h4>
<?php endif;?>
Enter Address: <input type="text" name="address" value="<?=$address?>"><br>
Enter Network: <input type="text" name="network" value="<?=$network?>"><br>
Enter Subnetmask: <input type="text" name="subnet" value="<?=$subnet?>"><br>
<input type="submit">


   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
    ^     ICQ#   13394035

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