   everytime i add include function to a script it will answer like:
     Warning: Failed opening 'common.php' for inclusion
(include_path='/usr/local/apache/htdocs:/home/httpd/mydomain') in
/home/httpd/mydomain/h24h/foro/admin/index.php on line 23

    and lines 22 and 25 have:
       include "common.php";

    in php.ini i have this:

        include_path    =
        doc_root                =
        user_dir                =
/usr/local/apache/htdocs                                     ;
        extension_dir   =       ./
        enable_dl               = On

    after this, where should i put all my php files? can i put admin php
files into other directories?

any suggestions will be appreciated,

thanks in advance,

marcos lloret

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