Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

> Carrie KL Tam wrote:
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> Don't understand why the following code keep telling me the error "Rename
>> failed (Invalid argument)":
>> <?php
>> $forig = 'd:/pict/orig/YI3 ?a.3WOHF';

way i see it, ? and * (among others) are special chars in wind0ze


>> $fcopy = 'd:/pict/copy/test1';
>> if (rename($sourcepath,$ftppath))
>> {
>>   echo "pass 1\n";
>> }
>> ?>
>> Pls advise
>> Cheers,
>> Carrie Tam

Yeah, there are more important things in life
than money, but they won't go out with you if
you don't have any.

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