This is driving me nuts. I really tried to figure it out
myself. I have a form for creating a table. The form
fields have field_name field_type field_length, and
checkboxes for not_null, auto_increment and primary.

When I check the primary key checkbox it always makes
the first field the primary key no matter what. And it
makes two date fields I enter NULL and the rest NOT
NULL no matter what I put in the checkboxes. The code
is below along with a printout of the SQL query. I only
wanted suffix and death date to be null. This is combination
from PHP Fast and Easy and MySQL by Dubois.

$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (";

for ($i = 0; $i < count($field_name); $i++) {

        $sql .= "$field_name[$i] $field_type[$i]";

        if ($not_null[$i] == "Y") {
                $additional = " NOT NULL";
        } else {
                $additional = " NULL";

        if ($auto_increment[$i] == "Y") {
                $additional .= " AUTO_INCREMENT";
        } else {
                $additional .= "";

        if ($primary[$i] == "Y") {
                $additional .= " primary key";

        } else {
                $additional .= "";

        if ($field_length[$i] != "") {
                $sql .= "($field_length[$i]) $additional,";
        } else {
                $sql .= " $additional,";


$sql = substr($sql, 0, -1);

$sql .= ")";


CREATE TABLE president (last_name varchar(15) NOT NULL primary key,first_name
varchar(15) NOT NULL,suffix varchar(5) NOT NULL,city varchar(20) NOT NULL,state
varchar(2) NOT NULL,birth date NULL,death date NULL)

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