I'm passing variables in a query string to my php
pages. The variables whose values contain spaces due
to multiple words are being passed correctly to the
Internet Explorer browser and are working perfectly
there. However, they are not working at al in NETSCAPE
browser. What should i do?

The Internet Explorer converts the spaces in a query
string into it's hexadecimal value of "%20"
automatically, but netscape is not doing so. It's not
reading the space and thus not displaying the page at
all and giving the HTTP error 400. 

This the link i make :
<a href="add_pro_over.php3?title=<? echo $title ?>">

if $title contains "Project", it goes.
But if it contains "Project One" ... it doesn't work

When on to the next page, this $title also has to be
sent into the Database. 

what do i do?

T. Edison jr.

Rahul S. Johari (Director)
Abraxas Technologies Inc.
Homepage : http://www.abraxastech.com
Tel : 91-4546512/4522124

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