On Sunday 04 March 2001 20:38, you wrote:
> Julian,
> i tried :
> <a
> href=\"pro_page1.php3?title=".urlencode($myrow[title])."\">
> instead
> <a
> href=\"pro_page1.php3?title='".urlencode($myrow[title])."'\">
> notice the single quote ' missing. And that WORKED!!!
> It displayed the right value in the next PHP page.
> Unfortunately there's another problem. it only
> DISPLAYED the right value...but when it adds the value
> in the database...it adds with the plus + sign. i.e.,
> it adds : Project+One instead of Project One.

try rawurlencode instead of urlencode

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

Very funny, Scotty! Now beam up my clothes...

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