
To get ride of magic_quotes I do:
function no_magicquotes() {
  global $HTTP_GET_VARS ;
  global $HTTP_POST_VARS ;
  global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS ;

  if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
   // Overrides GPC variables
  for (reset($HTTP_GET_VARS); list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS); )
   $$k = stripslashes($v);
   for (reset($HTTP_POST_VARS); list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS); )
     $$k = stripslashes($v);
  for (reset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS); list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS);)
     $$k = stripslashes($v);

And it seems to work, But i have have a file like that:
$VAR_mailadmin = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ;
$VAR_urlgallery = "http://www.siova.net/paris2"; ;
$VAR_categories[0]["title"] = "Montréal by Night" ;
$VAR_categories[0]["name"] = "Mtl by night" ;
$VAR_categories[0]["file"] = "montreal_by_night" ;
And many others variables. And magic_quotes seems to work for global vars too. Is there a way to modify no_magicquotes() to make this function works with all global vars ? Another for...each...but how ?


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