At 01:28 09.03.2003, Ron Biggs said:
>function ColorCollection($lkID){
> $whatX = $lkID + 1; // Adding 1 turns makes the index correspond to the
>template number.
>// $aColLen = count($lkColor); //.length
> $aColLen = test; //sizeof($lkColor); //.length
> echo "<option value=\"\" selected>xxx</option>\n"; //first option is blank
>// KeepGoing: //PHP does not have a line-label statement.  Set up a trigger
> for($i=0;$i<$aColLen;$i++){
>      $trigger = false;
>      $whatglass = $lkColor[$i]->glass; //shouldn't $lkColor[any-number] be
>global??? <<<<<<<<<<<

Yes it _is_ global, but within the function you need to declare if global
to have access to it, if you miss this you're referencing a local variable,
which is not defined...

function ColorCollection($lkID){

 global $lkColor; // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

 $whatX = $lkID + 1; // Adding 1 turns makes the index correspond to the
template number.
// $aColLen = count($lkColor); //.length
 $aColLen = test; //sizeof($lkColor); //.length
 echo "<option value=\"\" selected>xxx</option>\n"; //first option is blank
// KeepGoing: //PHP does not have a line-label statement.  Set up a trigger
     $trigger = false;
     $whatglass = $lkColor[$i]->glass; //shouldn't $lkColor[any-number] be

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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