On March 9, 2003 12:49 pm, Steve Pollard wrote:
> If anyone has come across a similar problem to the one described
> below, and has a solution I'd be really grateful if you can help me
> out.
> I'm trying to implement a user authentication process where users
> can click on an external link to my site. If they're not logged in
> they get presented with a login dialog. Once they log in they're
> redirected onwards to the page they initially wanted to visit.
> The system I have in place at the moment handles authentication
> using sessions. The bizarre thing is, while everything seems to
> work on my home pc (windows & iis web server, php 4.2.1), on the
> host server (linux, apache, php 4.1.2) I get the login screen twice
> before I get redirected. My hunch is that it's something to do with
> when session variable become available after registering them. (I'm
> using the sesssion management functions built in to php 4).
> Steve

Hm.  I had a similar problem.  In my login verification script I would 
run through a bunch of checks, verify the login/pass in the database 
and if it was correct I would start a session, register the variables 
and redirect the user.  This wouldn't work most of the time in IE.  
For some reason it always took a few tries to login.  Then I moved 
the call to session_start() to the beginning of the script and it 
worked fine.  Not sure if this applies to your problem though...


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