
I used a script to generate some result from a
database, which i want to display in flash.

In Flash, i created the Dynamic Text and declared
"newsbits" as Vars, and set it to Multiline.
I also loaded the PHP variables with the following
command in the ActionScript of the Frame :
loadVariablesNum ("newsbits.php", 0);

The problem is.. my PHP Script generates a multiline
result.. that is, 4 rows are returned.. however, in my
Flash file, only the Last Row is displayed.. the first
3 are not.. how do i do this?

In my PHP file (newsbits.php), i'm running the
following code..

$db = mysql_connect("localhost","user","pass");

$result = mysql_query("SELECT substring_index(title,'
', 6) FROM news ORDER BY ID desc limit 4",$db);
if (!mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        print 'no results';
} else {
        while (list($title) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                print "&newsbits=$title...";

When i run newsbits.php on my server, i get perfect
result.. 4 rows are returned, but in my Flash only the
last record is appearing.. What do i have to do so
that all 4 rows appear? 
I tried the following in my php : print
which obviously will seem silly to those who know
something about this.. but hey, 'm desperate. :0)not
to mention it didnt work!!

Rahul S. Johari

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