At 22:31 13.03.2003, Charles Kline said:
>I am trying to get this sql query to work and am getting the error 
>"Insufficient data supplied". Can anyone help with this?
>$sql =  "SELECT id, concat(fname, ' ', lname, ' ', degree1) name
>               FROM tbl_personnel "WHERE name LIKE \'%";
>$sql .= $attributes['nametofind'];
>$sql .= "%\' ORDER BY lname ASC";
>What I am trying to do is allow the user to find a personnel record 
>that contains the name to find.

At the first glance I see 3 items where the first one might be the culprit:

- if your query is exactly as you sent it here you're missing a comma after
the closing bracket of "concat()", just before "name"

- before constructing the query make sure $attributes['nametofind'] is
formatted correctly, esp. correctly escaping single quotes

- when using double quotes to construct a string you don't need to escape
single quotes.

   >O     Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)    ICQ #13394035

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