    We have a free but still complicated solution for your needs.

    It's called Komplete Lite (the free version of one of our commercial
products) and it allows you to visually edit your menu and page content.

    See the demo of the full version at http://komplete.interakt.ro/

    The Lite version is due for release this weekend.


Alexandru COSTIN
Chief Operating Officer
+4021 411 2610
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have spent 3 days looking at various CMS and template systems and seem
> be getting nowhere.
> I have looked at smarty, webditpro, phpcms, typo3, phportal, sitemanager,
> phpnuke, easysite and many others and clever and comprehensive as many of
> them are they seem too complicated for my needs.
> I am not sure if I am missing the point of these programs and would
> appreciate if anyone thinks they can accomplish what I require.
> As an example I want to offer customised web pages to say 'Car dealers'.
> I want to offer a top,side and body frame and lead them through the
> step by step.
> Step 1. Offer the top frame with color picker for background, or
> image then allow addition of text for dealer name address etc.
> Setp 2. Offer a selection of side bar buttons and styles. Most buttons
> be similar such as 'Abourt Us', 'Contact', 'Car search' ,Car list',
> 'Location' ,'Links' etc with some having pre defined actions ('search')
> some where they can modify content.
> Step 3. Allow modification of content of the body pages using a WYSIWYG
> editor such as editise or htmlarea.
> So no HTML knowledge to be needed, only uploads will be images to be used.
> The main objects are
> 1. Simple to use with no support required.
> 2. Simple to use with no support required.
> 3. Simple to use with no support required.
> I could put together what I outlined above quite easily in a few days but
> with all projects things never quite stop where you intended.
> No doubt users will then ask for different templates, exploding type menu
> lists, calendars, flash etc.
> So basically I want a system which I can configure to my needs and know
> added functionality is there when needed and I don't want to learn a whole
> new language.
> Should I just do this myself ?

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