I think I already tried to post once, so sorry if this is a duplicate, but I
don't see my first attempt.  I am trying to do what should be a relatively
simple and basic task.  I've got a php script/page that has a switch/case
selection statement in it.  Obviously, depending on what value a particular
variable takes when passed to the script, the script SHOULD :) do different
things.  However, when I invoke the script using
www.somedomain.com/somephpscript.php?action=1  (substitute one with, 2, 3, 4
or whatever) and then do a check whether any value is passed to my script,
it always tells me the value is empty ( if (empty ($action)) - it just
always thinks its empty.  I'm copying this script from a book, so I do not
have any reason to believe there is an error in the code, but obviously
something is not happening properly.  My thought is that perhaps something
needs to be turned on in the php.ini or in the apache httpd.conf file to
allow this variable passing to work.  Is there some other way to do this?

Sorry for the long paragraph sentence.  I'll be happy to post the code if
needed or provide any additional information or give the actual URL so you
can see what is happening.

Thanks for any thoughts

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