This query:
***denotes new
SELECT ***SUM([rushqty]) AS 'rushsub'***, [rushqty], [wooem], [rushglschk],
[rushglsdate], [rushmtlchk], [rushmtldate], 
[rushpartschk], [rushpartsdate], [category],
CONVERT(nvarchar,[rushdate],101) AS 'rushdate', 
CONVERT(nvarchar,[rushship],101) AS 'rushship', [wo], [rushcomm]
FROM [junction].[dbo].[tblworush]
WHERE compdate IS NULL
***GROUP BY [rushship], [rushdate], [rushqty], [wooem], [rushglschk],
[rushglsdate], [rushmtlchk], ***[rushmtldate], [rushpartschk],
[rushpartsdate], [category],  
[wo], [rushcomm]
ORDER BY [rushship]

rushsub rushqty ...     rushdate        ...
20              20              03/12/2003      ...
20              20              03/17/2003
70              70              03/17/2003

I still need (I think) to programatically subtotal [rushqty] rather than
having SQL do it. Since my grouping is working I could do a SELECT
[rushdate] ,SUM([rushqty]) AS 'rushsub' ... GROUP BY [rushdate] and put it
in an array. I was hoping to just have PHP handle the math. I'll have to try
it, but I think the GROUP BY rushdate may pose a problem, since the dates
will have different timestamps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Adam Voigt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:37 AM
To: Mike Smith
Subject: RE: [PHP] Subtotal

Umm, add:

SUM([rushqty]) AS 'rushsub'

To your select, wouldn't that work?

On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 11:19, Mike Smith wrote:
    Here is my query (MSSQL 2000):
    SELECT [rushqty], [wooem], [rushglschk], [rushglsdate], [rushmtlchk],
    [rushpartschk], [rushpartsdate], [category],
    CONVERT(nvarchar,[rushdate],101) AS 'rushdate', 
    CONVERT(nvarchar,[rushship],101) AS 'rushship', [wo], [rushcomm]
    FROM [tblworush]
    WHERE compdate IS NULL
    ORDER BY [rushship]
    I'm trying to use PHP to do the grouping and subtotals In my HTML I'm
    to group by [rushship] (that works), and trying to subtotal (SUM)
    for each grouping. My code below correctly SUMs only the last 2 values.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Marek Kilimajer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 8:19 AM
    To: Mike Smith
    Subject: Re: [PHP] Subtotal
    SELECT *, SUM(units) subtotal FROM table GROUP BY date
    - do you mean this?
    Mike Smith wrote:
    >I'm trying to present a simple SELECT statement "GROUPED" by date.
    >    WO    UNITS    OEM    COMMENTS    DATE
    >    123     10            Me        Notes                03/18/2003
    >    456     5              You       More Notes      03/18/2003
    >Total       15
    >I have it working grouping the dates together, but I can't seem to get
    >Total Units for a group. You'll see  $body .= " instead of echo...
    >this is sent as an email. Here is the relevent code:
    >//table headers
    >while($row = mssql_fetch_array($result)) {
    >// $row[10] = SHIP DATE (What I'm grouping by)
    >// $row[0] = Unit Qty (What I want to SUM, based on each "Group")
    >If ($lastship!='') { // skip the first record
    > If ($lastship!=$row[10]) {
    > $body .= "<tr>\n";
    > $body .= "<td><strong>Total</strong>\n";
    > $body .= "</td>\n";
    > $body .= "<td align=center><strong>$total</strong>\n";
    > $body .= "</td>\n";
    > $body .= "<td colspan=5>\n";
    > $body .= "</td>\n";
    > $body .= "</tr>\n";
    > $totqty=0;
    > $lastqty=0;
    > }
    > $total=0;
    > $totqty=$lastqty+$row[0];
    > $total = $totqty+$total;
    > $lastship = $row[10];
    > $lastqty=$row[0];
    >$body .= "<tr>\n";
    >$body .= "<td align=\"center\">\n";
    >$body .= "$row[11]\n";
    >$body .= "</td>\n";
    >$body .= "<td align=\"center\">\n";
    >$body .= "$row[0]\n";
    >$body .= "</td>\n";
    >$body .= "<td align=\"center\">\n";
    >$body .= "$row[1]\n";
    >$body .= "</td>\n";
    >$body .= "<td>\n";
    >$body .= "$row[12]\n";
    >$body .= "</td>\n";
    >$body .= "<td align=\"center\">\n";
    >$body .= "$row[8]\n";
    >$body .= "</td>\n";
    >$body .= "<td align=\"center\">\n";
    >$body .= "$row[9]\n";
    >$body .= "</td>\n";
    >$body .= "<td align=\"center\">\n";
    >$body .= "$row[10]\n";
    >$body .= "</td>\n";
    >$body .= "</tr>\n";
    >//close table, html
    >Any help is appreciated.
    >Mike Smith
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