I saw that, Joshua,I am on that list. Amazing that it came up just after I posted to the PHP list.

The reason I posted it here is that I still probably need someway to initiate an SSH/SSL connection from PHP, and I doubt it autoswitches when connecting to a database.

Joshua Moore-Oliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You should put this on the postgres general list not here...

I've heard a lot of talk about this lately, though I haven't gotten around to
implementing it yet.. There is also a section in the online postgres docs on
how to do this.

And if you're fast someone just posted a question 2 minutes ago on the
pgsql-general list that went like this...

I'm using redhat 8.0 and postgresql 7.2.4 (rpm from postgresql.org). I want
to enable ssl.


I have edited postgresql.conf to ssl = true. I also follow the 7.3 manual
(from postgresql.org) to create certificates and placed them in
/var/lib/pgsql/data/. Then restart the server with /etc/init.d/postgresql
restart. The result is [Failed]. What else should I do? Or procedure for 7.3
is different from 7.2.4? Or the rpm does not have ssl enabled when compile?


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I'd suggest hopping onto the postgres list


On March 19, 2003 01:25 am, Dennis Gearon wrote:

>> how do I connect securely to a postgres database on another server / DNS
>> name / IP?
>> Some way to do SSL/SSH easily from PHP?

On March 19, 2003 01:25 am, Dennis Gearon wrote:

>> how do I connect securely to a postgres database on another server / DNS
>> name / IP?
>> Some way to do SSL/SSH easily from PHP?

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