Smarty is very wonderful. If both the coder and the designer work together, layout and code logic can be completely separate.

I am doing a form for entering in about 25 fields. As long as the template the designer comes up with has:

        The required form variables,
        and template variables to put success/failure notices up,

I don't have to know anything about colors, css, layout, fonts, mostly don't have to know about graphics,etc. It might get a little more involved in multi language sites, however.

My form has two versions, a submit template, and a approve template. After sanitizing the input rigorously, the user may not like what I will be submitting. So I send all the values I've cleaned to him/her in a text layout (up to the designer) and a hidden form contains the same values. The template variables are just duplicated in both those places, so I get back what they see and approve. I've also added a md5 hash with a page local salt so that I can test if they have alterered what I've sent them to be approved. And I filter it again anyways before checking the hash.

so when the form comes back, the submit button has a value of 'approve' and I check the hash, and store it in the database.

I never have to know what it looks like. It's a little good to know what order the user is presented the fields, because they can fix the errors in order as I parse them. It's not necessary though, just good practice.

My designer is awesome too.

We both get to do what we want and we enjoy it a LOT.

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